Drammen kommune
The city of Drammen was founded in 1811, formed from
two separate towns - Stromsø and Bragneres. The city has about 64,000
residents but the population of the kommune which includes the
surrounding area is 150,000. Drammen is the 6th largest city in
Norway, located about 25 miles southwest of Oslo on the Drammensfjord.
The city's shield, shown on the left, was
created in 1715. Its motto "In fede et justitia fortitudo"
translates sa "From Faith ahd Justice Comes Strength."
Links |
Drammen Kommune website |
R-DD Genealogy Library |
602 1900 Folketelling
Drammen - 3 Binds
Produsert: 15-Dec-1997 Drammen-byen ved elven.
Leif Holtedahls forlag. Trykkeri: Oluf Rasmussen, Skien.
Oslo. 1981. 80 pg. Drammens Museums Årbok.
1974-1975. Harald Lyche Co. A. S. Drammen.
88 pg. Elvebyen Drammen.
99 pg. city guide Kirkeboker films: Bragernes
Tromso 1677-1933
Tangen 1739-1925 Sorensen, M. Drammen
Information Book.
Ringerike, Drammen Districts Lag Genealogy.
St. Paul, MN. Rundt om Drammen Tema: I Sandfart Fra Drammen Argang 13
NR 1
2000 Tveiten, Gunnar; Viker, E.;
Hovde, A; Jul Pa Ringerike 1924, J. Steenberg & Company, Boktrykkeri
AS Drammen 1924 Lunder menighet; Stromsoddbygda kapell innviet 6 October 1957
50 ar 19 August 2007 Drammen Antikvariat, Katalog
35, Juni 1999